Chapter 3: The Visual Surround Part 1

Both articles, The Perfect Icon for an Imperfect Postliterate World by Read Mercer Schuchardt and Eden by Wire: Webcamera and the Telepresent Landscape by Thomas J. Campanella caught me by surprise. The first one I found was very interesting. I didn’t realize how much a symbol of a label ment to the company. It makes sense that the Nike swoosh would read left to right. Starting with the curve and ending with the tail. Like they said in the article, “It’s the last sound you hear before coming in second place, the sound of a basketball hitting nothing but net.” Having that fact, would in a way brain wash us into buying their product. If the swoosh is what you want to hear, subconsicously the swoosh is what you’re going to want to buy. The second article I thought part of it had no meaning to it. Yeah the world is improving its technology as the years go bye, but that’s how it’s always been. Ever since the cave men were on earth we’ve been improving our technology. That’s just the way it is. With the webcamera cituation I think it is kind of creepy in a way that you don’t know if the company you buy your camera from can actually look at what your doing with your web camera. It is on the internet and you can do alot of things on the internet. Let’s say you buy a webcamera from LogiTech. You go to log on and chat to your mom that lives in Alaska. You don’t know for a fact that LogiTech is looking into your chat either. They have the serial number of the camera and all the information you need in order to set up your camera, so what is stopping them from viewing the chat? That in a way is kind of disturbing. Also, with survallience cameras in stores. They have them in dressing rooms at department stores to make sure you’re not stealing. It is very awkward when your trying on a top and you have to undress to put it on, and there is a big black video camera looking at you the whole time. It just is very surreal that places are allowed to do that.

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